Undulation’s Edge
Began it with a ripple, illuminating to sparse ends of cosmos with essential escalation
Exceeds the fundamental, cast over one’s immortality with invariable
Broken down perception, washes over tributary glands off legends metamorphose
Timeless, prematurely flawless, escapes it’s aura to be riveted by facets of vivacity
Alluring inducement, scattered by races distinctive to evolution, one in the same
Captivates attunement, cells amenable to finesse, caress spirit motivates everlasting
Warmth radiates through its transcendence, prolongs beyond point of acknowledgment
Compositions inveigle conception, rearranged elimination to survive acute intricacy
Intertwining stratums weave brawny blankets of communication, idioms prehistoric
Soars relentless phasing, excavating effortlessly the gems which smolder within
Take to flight its mission, utilize synchronicity’s injections, belted in prismatic radiance