Scriptures of the Sea
Egypt Journal #1
I arose, the depths of the Sea
Engulfed it
Swallowed to rebirth refreshment
Bio-dome bubbles
Sends me horizontal in color
The wind catches a glide
Stirs sedimentary no longer
Like gold leaf puddles
Arises the engagement of sanctity
Breath pours in caressing motion
Slither through my feathers to meet one with all
Centered in attachment
The eye bore to tell a singular frequency of desire
Swirls coagulation to instill entities of modality
Cost a far the horizon
With the wind at your back
Tributaries of constant beloved altitude steadily
You are the “over-sear”
Linking the fire that flames atop
The incense in hovering craft
Gasping shoots like kites
Sworn in swells then dives
To master the gage above
Transition from the world plastering that
Fluid singles the entire wave
Sine in physical arrangements
Rollered and coastered in repediment
Hawk till the truth of my sign
Made in completion
I return from whence I came
It is discovered past
Painting revealed the Mir-
Scents to synch sense
Traveled under ground
Seeds flutter at generative guise
Massage the gills in oils
Seduced by maidens
Sirens sing sweetly
Summer-salted inspirations