Murabbaa Zabba
(Within the Resonant Earth)
The cure to larry the lox of energy fairy to scold the membranes of this maroon adventure untold to flight to bee aggressively conscious in the pre-perpetuation tied-
Within the galaxy all united
Within the center- Hunab Ku
Within the pleasure be not definitive
Within the pulses through to you
Within the Resonant Earth, within the resonant earth
Crush the candled mortals suck the juices from orange dwindle it away salivate into the recession savor sweet lullaby invitation-
Within the flame phoenix reborn
Within the earth seedlings emerge
Within the air come fluid swarm
Within the lightening Ptah to surge
Within the Resonant Earth, within the resonant earth
Rage the mastery unblemished to return the nestled predecessor’s courageous invoking of lessons to come sweeter the sound-
Within the time; manageable
Within the pleasure; pain
Within the magma; explosion
Within the drought comes rain
Within the Resonant Earth, within the resonant earth
Within the galaxy all united
Within the center- Hunab Ku
Within the pleasure be not definitive
Within the pulses through to you
Within the galaxy all united
Within the center- Hunab Ku
Within the pleasure be not definitive
Within the pulses through you
Within the Resonant Earth, within the resonant earth
Ah Yum HUnam Ku Evam Maya EMa Ho (ay hu kem)