Monday, May 30, 2011

Unlocking the key of Manifestation

 Crystal Moon day 1
Year of the Red Overtone Moon

kin 157: Red Magnetic Earth
I Unify in order to Evolve
Attracting Synchronicity
I seal the Matrix of Navigation
With the Magnetic tone of Purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled

On this first day of the Cristal Moon, the 12th Lunar month of the 13 moon calendar... We evaluate the month in passing, the Spectral (11th) Moon, to realize what we must RELEASE & LET GO...  For only as we release these things may we then understand How to Universalize our Dedication to Others.
Guided by the Rabbit, this month will bring to life our ability to utilize magic, spontaneity, luck, manifestation, ABUNDANCE.  It is very easy within this life to step away from abundance.  For instance, we all deserve to be abundant... abundant with love, harmony, success, manifestation... it is all too simple for us to only consider the minimum, for fear we are being greedy or overindulgent.  Rabbit will prove to us that all endeavors deserve abundance, long as purity and honesty are at heart.  Rabbit encourages us to take advantage of opportunities at hand, as they may whither quickly without action.  It's time we RELEASE FEAR, as to hone in on our ultimate growth.  TAKE THE LEAP OF FAITH!  We MUST have the willingness to say, YES! I DESERVE THIS!  And so it is!  

Last month, Spectral Moon Month (May 2nd-29th, 2011), out animal totem was the Serpent.  
"How do I release and let go??"
To this, I answer with the following quote from a dear friend, Abigail:

"I release my breath to allow my heart to blow in the winds of time
I open my eyes to release my fears and feel what is really mine"

It is FEAR, most importantly, that we seek out in unforeseen places in order to release our highest divine self.  This past month, I learned I must release by breath, my VOICE, my PURPOSE!!!   I have for long now been in hibernation of my truest self, as it has been in the plans that I draw from all my resources in order to most properly and effectively transcend my PURPOSE, our MISSION.  However, NOW, as the CRISTAL MOON is upon us, I am driven to release my IDENTITY... the reason I have come here.  For it is written in the stars, that we would again ascend the triple helix, the radiant love of the 4th dimension, of the Heaven to Earth, of the cross... This CROSS being the point our universe is accessing RIGHT NOW.

Like any access point, however, there is a lock, and ultimately, a KEY.  It is the GOD LIGHT that reflects this key, and this key will unlock our heaven's dimension.  These keys are often found in patterns, shapes and colors, which combine together to strengthen existing dimension planes and electromagnetic demands.

Take for instance, the Merkaba...  

"Merkaba, also spelled Merkabah, is the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. "Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another." (see


This concept, "wheels within wheels" to create a PORTAL, or dimensional traveling ability, is NOT a new concept.  The Merkabah has brought to life many illustrations and stories from our ancient cultures, and is mentioned in almost every one of the religious texts known to man. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Initiation of Flight; Destructive Rites

My back, tingled with ascending waves like water droplets of once frozen altitudes of my heart.  I've been given the most amazing gift, it is that of one, that of rite.  A passage; never been so gratefully in awe. HUmility filled the oceans of tears, joyously accompanying the heart of my song like rainbows of angels, dancing along the river of my bliss.  My womb, glowing like waves of electricity through the sea, cascading in rivers of vibrancy.  The promise I made the thee; the promise in blessings, three.

Then to rip apart, my soul to tear, I was ascended then fell upon the cracking earth that seemed to swallow me.  A promise unto myself I broke, in passing, a moment's regard for the factors, which sat outside of my own devices, which lead to the beating of my own demise.  Is this truly reality?  Am I a factor of all I see?  Do I preach the love I feel?  Do I love the reel I preach?

Sat to myself in a daze of what seemed hours to years to lights of holy blows within the manifold of the engine to my existence.  For once the primitive barrel sprung the bullet, I was hit by my instinct untrue... the virtue of my various reasons I plant in the seasons of each escapade... again unfulfilled by the desires I distilled then bled into; the cup runeth over in pools of samples I thread, to tread the fickle fields of golden dust I threw out to the hills... running over the tools of tampered evidence, no longer to be pure in its glory.