Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hearted Change


AAAAAaaa aaa aah hh hh hh h hhmmm mmm mmm mm...
Tears of joy streamed, bubbled to only pronounce this bliss in laughter!  Humble is the word, outgoing is the breath, internal is the remedy.

"Thank you for bringing me presence, for THAT is the TRUE GIFT!"  To the heavens arose my gratitude, to the earth, I bowed in graceful resonance.

"Eternal Blessings!  Resonating the glow of Inspiring AttunementChanneling the store of Healing... Knowing, Accomplishing, learning, growing, finding, thanking, sharing, flowing!  The powers be divinely timed in LOVE, in GOD!"

The eyes of my soul, mated in no disguise, no wonder, just awe, extended within mine for the first time of our human existence; here, now.  There was no judgment but the gift. 

"Be not afraid" reflected the image of god's words within my heart, "For I have aligned tools of practice for reasons so perfectly acute and obtuse.  Beyond the cup, which runeth over. Beyond your deepest deserving desires.  You are blessed long to follow your heart.  Be not afraid!"


Knowing in my rites of passage, this all-encompassing love, be it the desire to see the notion of curiosity.  None here, only innately revealed the existence of something so far beyond ideal, it was the deal, the pact, the unIIon of heart and soul...   I opened my cup, my lotus, the eternal birth of the soul.  I asked, "be this for him, be this for us, be this for them, be this for ALL!"

Scary is it to be upon fate, to be upon something you dream of, repeatedly fitting to puzzle pieces of possibility, only to release the desire... let go! LET GO!  Unleash the need to mold, to fit... this IS the fit, this IS the wish, this IS the GIFT!  The FORTUNE!  The FLIGHT!!... revealed in such ways that, disguised under material, there be it none comparable!!

I venture to say there be no doubt of instinct... for it, along with the guidance of all my comings, my relations, has brought me thus far, so much extension of self.  Can it be that it would grow as big as all suns, galaxies united, universes combined?! YES!! YES!! For the walls be shred to waterfalls of no contradiction, only FLOW.  To change direction at the cost of breath... Nirvana to hold, never to contain, just exist within, around... together... to change existence forever!