Friday, March 28, 2014

Post AM Sadhana doodle: Kimberly Moon 3-28-14

...And from the billowing belly of Buddha, you laughed all of creation into being from the heart of love's seed… Shaking foundations of (g)olden pathways into honor. Born unto all;  the New World's Wisdom... Bowing humbly at the grace of God's mystery... The answer... Breath, clear as that, which came before the question... Not two, but one, in sums of seven suns... Risen from the womb of the Now... Won... And still, this parallel coalescence of consciousness rained light as darkness and void as full as forever... Fanned, as the fire of what shall reign beyond desire. Tempered as a tune, resilient as the blending of sun and moon. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

We are the light

From the street he came, my god, face to face, hard at fort to recall the path of embrace. He was my brother, my father, my son, my elder... Though his feet heavy, his heart I heard... Though of pain, his words, like swords, were drawn... his hope was present, somewhere, ever strong... Buffalo soldier, one by one I've seen, I've heard, and I too have cried in my story. 

(Photo Credit unknown-suggestions welcome)
Every time we meet the heart, our fellow man... every time we join our songs together in communion to say, "I see you, I hear you, I can, I AM..." We open the door to another dimension, unencumbered by pain as his was again... We shift, we demand, we listen, we grow. 
We never stop knowing... 

We are the light
We are galactic entities of the night

But the mind plays tricks. It keeps us in plight. No matter our color, pants loose or tight... We've all been through it, the motions, our own. Only love showers, take that moment to cry In tones. ne'er alone, as the salt water fills the same oceans we've sewn. Let your heart be heard, the feet, our army, taking flight. Our angels are weeping, sweeping away that which keeps us from the day of light. The wisdom, not taught but received like sight, calling us like owl in harmony with night. 

Projectors and rejections, protectors from injection... All have a vice to release, pay the price, live the role, blow your soul, wrap it up, take it To go, come on home. No matter where it is you roam, you know there's no wish like this, the one of our soul's incarnation to be FREE, to truly exist! 

So D, I see thee, more clearly than you privy, and to this I release to you and your story... 

We are the light
We are galactic entities of the night...

And this is why he walks, this is why he fears to talk. Because at first he'd explain, but please, son, come again, without the fear, without the judgement, no crime left to sever or sear to your crown. I don't need you to tell me your rounds, but ill listen if thats what it is you need right now. 

Open the window, you won't drown, you are the sky! No drone too high to set this, I refrain from shadowing, it is your rite, right to hear, right here, now, in the cold, split the pain like wood, let spirit rain, as you too set to fire, blaze the flame. Reign in OUR Kingdom, not that of the trap they've set... But in this moment, the 'they' is you! you would have told me to tell you the same truth... Or did you forget, the mess is the best?

We are the light
We are galactic entities of the night! 

We are the Warrior, the wisher, the dreamer, believer... Asker, receiver, seer, redeemer... swim-up-streamer... Just let go, let spirit know... And with the current we'll go...

let your words come through me as my breath,
your visions, see through my eyes, 
Your love pour forth from my heart,
your roots grow of my feet,
Your vision of thy kingdom come stream of my crown...
For I am yours, your servant unto all. Guide my steps
Guide my path
Let me bathe in the presence of moments, each anew, in remembrance of the way seer, the one, I Am, we are, One, together won, NOW

Holy Spirit by Colleen Shay

Blessings be, 
Yours truly
EraDae… a Luminus Moon
(White Galactic Wizard)