Sunday, November 23, 2008



Dribble drops of sedation, meditatorial swiftly sinks
Eye plunge into tunnel hearing rushing backwards into warm gurgle
Falling I descend, little by little evaporate into melted sea/
  /see circle ahead, cycles round, throbbing lope on the cross
Gleaming with pulse they scroll left a right
Jet-Streaming prisms engage their travel slow-shift vista
I sink until I and I elevate on wings expansive in breath

You will fly with me, return to heights from past-lives fusioned eternal
Lead towards gold with chariot songs of maritime
Cake layers blindly constructing magnum opus homeostasis
To know below is the resonance beyond, reversing reverberate waves
Listen to calmed palpitation motivate through seated monumentive awe
You swim with placid current, excavating stratum gratis
The sea- nirvana- elaborates motion
Behold miraculous articulation of vibrational echelon

Begins the evolution of existence

We progressed to outlandish lands better to trawl personal prodigy
We morphed from fins to feathers, lost leverage in moisture glide
We roamed from such scales in renewal to balance hydration
Provocative reptilian superiors strove to subsist simultaneously
 From oceanic flight to the firmament, we parallel conception
Nine to the line, we match the portal dwelling calling to our abode
Stretch in yawning compensation rejuvenated for the ride

I open eyes unique, just as everything beats to please
Fielded by masses of vegetation, it stands tall before me
Bountiful lessons of equilibrium taste full spiced century

Planted seeds germinate as I climb the towering vine
I’m boosted to a land far beyond my mind’s cloud nine 
Woven are the swirled colors, intricate liquefied design

*Mare = female horse… & Mare is also plural for “Maria”… large, dark, basaltic plains on Earth's Moon, formed by ancient volcanic eruptions}

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