Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Remains the Deserted Desert

Sound resounding in rounded ground
Thumps through houred quarts to meet
Chambers embraced millennia’s bound
Feels nomadic heards of feet

Volcanic eruption, bottomed at sea
Leveled to gaze above it stands
Climbed to heights barely defeated
Now atop foreign lands of sand

The wind lifts my wings, singing
Journeys eroded, limed sediment
Shells to echo mummy preceding
Once hidden, sight now reins parliament

Towering, the statues worshiped of ages
Glide and shaped in waves aired
Temples to recreate aspects to change
Guardians of light solidarity rare

Night drops, blankets quick to reflect
Transparency glistens constellations
Recognizable even unforeseen to protect
Belts forever, pointing generations

The feast in celebratory gathering
Promotes continuous rhythmic deities
Round in stoned dances rattling
Fine rebirths tribal paths in unity

Finally, the awaited presents to set
Moon undisguised activates instinct
Fiercely rises a course reflected
Illuminates colossal pillars heaven re-linked

Hushed I to troubadour continuous
Too much music waits beneath
Silence addresses intervallic radius
Ringing, the cosmos, a blessing to me

As mother calls to rest her young
Warrior gods heed presence routine
Bundled, graciously the flock unsung
Wonder laying ancestry set in light beam

Magic sprays, refreshingly designed
Crystal clarity, heals root stem
Ages pass allowing consistence of mind
To nature we channel secrets of them.

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