Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Burning Sun, Curing Moon

Burning Sun, Curing Moon

Oh, to play the part of The Moon. It's not such an easy tune. Often hurts harder than the pain it takes to stay tight within a bud and never bloom, or wait within the darkness of a womb... But these trials I know will cure me. Break me into two, like the light that shall adorn me when my eyes breathe into you.

So Thank you, Moon... Thank you, Sun... Burn me into bitter sweet morning until I run no
more fever from my fears, no more worry from my tears. Thankful for the lessons that make me face my brightest years to come... only under the Moon, and Under the Sun shall my longing for love be won.

As they face each other, day in, day out... for one is never the other, holding their own presence so stoutly. Never outshining, divine in their timing, perfectly posted, precious finds, taking shelter in the space they keep so sacred in their mind. The flame of the Sun, the glow of the Moon, what would the world be if we knew them all too soon?

Never such a love did exist, so rewarding in the blissful rays that echo to each others gaze- are you listening? Are you really listening? Has one ever outshone the other? Quite opposite is true, for when the thought even dares to exist, she becomes so blue.

Little Moon, why do you sigh, why do you fear to look in your love's eye? All too often are you glowing, only because he shines.

STARE UNTIL IT BURNS! MELT THE ILLS OF CONCERN! Seek the highest self beyond the borders you've hoisted onto your sordid affairs. Never was a love so pure, the Burning of the Sun, the Curing of the Moon.

-Yours Truly

©Kimberly Moon
August 29, 2012
Red Lunar Skywalker (Kin 93)

PHOTO CREDIT: Illusion (1) - from "Impossible love" series - ©

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