Tactile tension released
The fractions of my revenue increased
Protection of my flares secreted
Relishing of tenderness reheated
I don't wanna lie anymore
I've tried too many time, can't keep score
Holding my breath, the water's getting deep
Subject to my surfaces I seep
I'm feelin' the facades around
I wanna be inside your sound
I wanna be the purpose of your lust
I wanna taste the Timbre of your Touch
Monday, November 14, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
God is Gracious
I got the gig
It's time for the show
Planning, no option
Ready to go
Straight on the time
Swung from a string
Light in the lines
Your eyes, listening
It's time for the show
Planning, no option
Ready to go
Straight on the time
Swung from a string
Light in the lines
Your eyes, listening
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Hearted Change
AAAAAaaa aaa aah hh hh hh h hhmmm mmm mmm mm...
Tears of joy streamed, bubbled to only pronounce this bliss in laughter! Humble is the word, outgoing is the breath, internal is the remedy.
"Thank you for bringing me presence, for THAT is the TRUE GIFT!" To the heavens arose my gratitude, to the earth, I bowed in graceful resonance.
"Eternal Blessings! Resonating the glow of Inspiring Attunement! Channeling the store of Healing... Knowing, Accomplishing, learning, growing, finding, thanking, sharing, flowing! The powers be divinely timed in LOVE, in GOD!"
The eyes of my soul, mated in no disguise, no wonder, just awe, extended within mine for the first time of our human existence; here, now. There was no judgment but the gift.
"Be not afraid" reflected the image of god's words within my heart, "For I have aligned tools of practice for reasons so perfectly acute and obtuse. Beyond the cup, which runeth over. Beyond your deepest deserving desires. You are blessed long to follow your heart. Be not afraid!"
Knowing in my rites of passage, this all-encompassing love, be it the desire to see the notion of curiosity. None here, only innately revealed the existence of something so far beyond ideal, it was the deal, the pact, the unIIon of heart and soul... I opened my cup, my lotus, the eternal birth of the soul. I asked, "be this for him, be this for us, be this for them, be this for ALL!"
Scary is it to be upon fate, to be upon something you dream of, repeatedly fitting to puzzle pieces of possibility, only to release the desire... let go! LET GO! Unleash the need to mold, to fit... this IS the fit, this IS the wish, this IS the GIFT! The FORTUNE! The FLIGHT!!... revealed in such ways that, disguised under material, there be it none comparable!!
I venture to say there be no doubt of instinct... for it, along with the guidance of all my comings, my relations, has brought me thus far, so much extension of self. Can it be that it would grow as big as all suns, galaxies united, universes combined?! YES!! YES!! For the walls be shred to waterfalls of no contradiction, only FLOW. To change direction at the cost of breath... Nirvana to hold, never to contain, just exist within, around... together... to change existence forever!
AAAAAaaa aaa aah hh hh hh h hhmmm mmm mmm mm...
Tears of joy streamed, bubbled to only pronounce this bliss in laughter! Humble is the word, outgoing is the breath, internal is the remedy.
"Thank you for bringing me presence, for THAT is the TRUE GIFT!" To the heavens arose my gratitude, to the earth, I bowed in graceful resonance.
"Eternal Blessings! Resonating the glow of Inspiring Attunement! Channeling the store of Healing... Knowing, Accomplishing, learning, growing, finding, thanking, sharing, flowing! The powers be divinely timed in LOVE, in GOD!"
The eyes of my soul, mated in no disguise, no wonder, just awe, extended within mine for the first time of our human existence; here, now. There was no judgment but the gift.
"Be not afraid" reflected the image of god's words within my heart, "For I have aligned tools of practice for reasons so perfectly acute and obtuse. Beyond the cup, which runeth over. Beyond your deepest deserving desires. You are blessed long to follow your heart. Be not afraid!"
Knowing in my rites of passage, this all-encompassing love, be it the desire to see the notion of curiosity. None here, only innately revealed the existence of something so far beyond ideal, it was the deal, the pact, the unIIon of heart and soul... I opened my cup, my lotus, the eternal birth of the soul. I asked, "be this for him, be this for us, be this for them, be this for ALL!"
Scary is it to be upon fate, to be upon something you dream of, repeatedly fitting to puzzle pieces of possibility, only to release the desire... let go! LET GO! Unleash the need to mold, to fit... this IS the fit, this IS the wish, this IS the GIFT! The FORTUNE! The FLIGHT!!... revealed in such ways that, disguised under material, there be it none comparable!!
I venture to say there be no doubt of instinct... for it, along with the guidance of all my comings, my relations, has brought me thus far, so much extension of self. Can it be that it would grow as big as all suns, galaxies united, universes combined?! YES!! YES!! For the walls be shred to waterfalls of no contradiction, only FLOW. To change direction at the cost of breath... Nirvana to hold, never to contain, just exist within, around... together... to change existence forever!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
As the structure beneath and around me settled itself into tremors, my legs gave way to the shaking, synchronizing in a breathing motion. What seemed like light years was merely a minute, as my imagination arose with wonder of the cause to this energy.
Exotic in nature, the earthquake seemed to blossom from the ashes of my past.
"Greet each day as a new beginning, the best is yet to come!" Stated Gerri this morning after my part in our weekly Reiki share. The words seemed to melt from my mouth. At no fault, the vision to secure our rising... the Blue Star, the twin of creation- only months now before we release the ascended one!
Exotic in nature, the earthquake seemed to blossom from the ashes of my past.
"Greet each day as a new beginning, the best is yet to come!" Stated Gerri this morning after my part in our weekly Reiki share. The words seemed to melt from my mouth. At no fault, the vision to secure our rising... the Blue Star, the twin of creation- only months now before we release the ascended one!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Unlocking the key of Manifestation
Crystal Moon day 1
Year of the Red Overtone Moon

kin 157: Red Magnetic Earth
I Unify in order to Evolve
Attracting Synchronicity
I seal the Matrix of Navigation
With the Magnetic tone of Purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled
Year of the Red Overtone Moon
kin 157: Red Magnetic Earth
I Unify in order to Evolve
Attracting Synchronicity
I seal the Matrix of Navigation
With the Magnetic tone of Purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled
On this first day of the Cristal Moon, the 12th Lunar month of the 13 moon calendar... We evaluate the month in passing, the Spectral (11th) Moon, to realize what we must RELEASE & LET GO... For only as we release these things may we then understand How to Universalize our Dedication to Others.

Last month, Spectral Moon Month (May 2nd-29th, 2011), out animal totem was the Serpent.
"How do I release and let go??"
To this, I answer with the following quote from a dear friend, Abigail:
"I release my breath to allow my heart to blow in the winds of time
I open my eyes to release my fears and feel what is really mine"
It is FEAR, most importantly, that we seek out in unforeseen places in order to release our highest divine self. This past month, I learned I must release by breath, my VOICE, my PURPOSE!!! I have for long now been in hibernation of my truest self, as it has been in the plans that I draw from all my resources in order to most properly and effectively transcend my PURPOSE, our MISSION. However, NOW, as the CRISTAL MOON is upon us, I am driven to release my IDENTITY... the reason I have come here. For it is written in the stars, that we would again ascend the triple helix, the radiant love of the 4th dimension, of the Heaven to Earth, of the cross... This CROSS being the point our universe is accessing RIGHT NOW.
Like any access point, however, there is a lock, and ultimately, a KEY. It is the GOD LIGHT that reflects this key, and this key will unlock our heaven's dimension. These keys are often found in patterns, shapes and colors, which combine together to strengthen existing dimension planes and electromagnetic demands.
Take for instance, the Merkaba... 
"Merkaba, also spelled Merkabah, is the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. "Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another." (see http://www.crystalinks.com/merkaba.html)
This concept, "wheels within wheels" to create a PORTAL, or dimensional traveling ability, is NOT a new concept. The Merkabah has brought to life many illustrations and stories from our ancient cultures, and is mentioned in almost every one of the religious texts known to man.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Initiation of Flight; Destructive Rites
My back, tingled with ascending waves like water droplets of once frozen altitudes of my heart. I've been given the most amazing gift, it is that of one, that of rite. A passage; never been so gratefully in awe. HUmility filled the oceans of tears, joyously accompanying the heart of my song like rainbows of angels, dancing along the river of my bliss. My womb, glowing like waves of electricity through the sea, cascading in rivers of vibrancy. The promise I made the thee; the promise in blessings, three.
Then to rip apart, my soul to tear, I was ascended then fell upon the cracking earth that seemed to swallow me. A promise unto myself I broke, in passing, a moment's regard for the factors, which sat outside of my own devices, which lead to the beating of my own demise. Is this truly reality? Am I a factor of all I see? Do I preach the love I feel? Do I love the reel I preach?
Sat to myself in a daze of what seemed hours to years to lights of holy blows within the manifold of the engine to my existence. For once the primitive barrel sprung the bullet, I was hit by my instinct untrue... the virtue of my various reasons I plant in the seasons of each escapade... again unfulfilled by the desires I distilled then bled into; the cup runeth over in pools of samples I thread, to tread the fickle fields of golden dust I threw out to the hills... running over the tools of tampered evidence, no longer to be pure in its glory.
Then to rip apart, my soul to tear, I was ascended then fell upon the cracking earth that seemed to swallow me. A promise unto myself I broke, in passing, a moment's regard for the factors, which sat outside of my own devices, which lead to the beating of my own demise. Is this truly reality? Am I a factor of all I see? Do I preach the love I feel? Do I love the reel I preach?
Sat to myself in a daze of what seemed hours to years to lights of holy blows within the manifold of the engine to my existence. For once the primitive barrel sprung the bullet, I was hit by my instinct untrue... the virtue of my various reasons I plant in the seasons of each escapade... again unfulfilled by the desires I distilled then bled into; the cup runeth over in pools of samples I thread, to tread the fickle fields of golden dust I threw out to the hills... running over the tools of tampered evidence, no longer to be pure in its glory.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Re: Revolutionary and rebel
As Paulo Coelho's Blog inspired, it is he whom has come again... he who grows like Buddha in the womb of our heart, expanding the breath of rays to sunshine!
As Paulo Coelho's Blog inspired, it is he whom has come again... he who grows like Buddha in the womb of our heart, expanding the breath of rays to sunshine!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Bells of Hell
Mars Squares Pluto... transformation
Taking charge of financial situation
Ambition, empowerment,
Guidance Heaven-Sent
Bent to build tranquility again!
Diverge ultimatums... obstacles bind
Emotional security unwinds
To do the doing of dreams to tell
On the go, out the door
Rescue the bells of hell
Taking charge of financial situation
Ambition, empowerment,
Guidance Heaven-Sent
Bent to build tranquility again!
Diverge ultimatums... obstacles bind
Emotional security unwinds
To do the doing of dreams to tell
On the go, out the door
Rescue the bells of hell
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Intstrumental Paradox
When you love everyone, everything, every moment SO hard, how is it you stay sane to society's programmed frame of mind? Is it that I'm to secure the life of the mother, the forever-longing shadow of the moon, whom day after day waits to be closer to her sun...
In one moment I'm happiest knowing I'm solidly in love with the Divine Spirit, the next I'm wondering who the Divine has sent for me, to add balance and receptivity... oh to this I don't know, I leave it to the Order.
Inner Perameters
Intellectual Punctuation
Irreplaceable Palatte
Initiate Pollination
Ignition Pyromaniac
Intelligent Politics
Inglorious Pleasures
Itemized Pains
Intuitive Phases
So, I just found the "cover letter" of my Will I wrote before going off the Study music in Egypt, 2009... I love this and thought I'd share:
In one moment I'm happiest knowing I'm solidly in love with the Divine Spirit, the next I'm wondering who the Divine has sent for me, to add balance and receptivity... oh to this I don't know, I leave it to the Order.
Inner Perameters
Intellectual Punctuation
Irreplaceable Palatte
Initiate Pollination
Ignition Pyromaniac
Intelligent Politics
Inglorious Pleasures
Itemized Pains
Intuitive Phases
So, I just found the "cover letter" of my Will I wrote before going off the Study music in Egypt, 2009... I love this and thought I'd share:
December 12, 2008
My words of wisdom to the humanity I love:
To all, I give my undying love, which flows like barrels of potion.
Coating your minds until you saturate in zealous emotion.
Do not lament at this hour, for I have never been so alive!
For every breath you take within bestows wings so I may thrive.
I exist because you accept me as truth, just as you always have.
The light I spilled from my every pour now gleams in sunshine bath.
Continue growing in the perfection that is, taking every opportunity to expand,
Reach unto the pillars of Solomon for reality’s helping hand.
May you find all the comfort within-the honesty of a stranger,
For when you give your truest smile, never will follow danger.
Whether once did we meet, or thousand times just the same,
Whether I saw your every move, or even remembered your name.
For any encounter that we embraced, I undoubtedly appreciate your time,
As you are my brother, sister, leader and friend; you are I and I.
The spectrum of light that follows you within each rainbow lasts,
Shall guide you to a vivid star from which your soul will pass.
Though life may pitch upon thee exertion, to it may you push through,
Know that struggle must subsist to guide your clearer view.
Call unto me when you need reminding of things you’ve long forgot,
I will live vicariously through your every move, and suffer will I not.
Bring me on your journeys wide and far, may I travel the world through your eyes,
Remain calm in constant change, and open to spirit guides.
It is my will to show the world how much love glues all the nations,
As we are all one of luminescent truth, all one of sacred vibration.
I love you all because I see the beauty you may overlook,
For not one of you is the same, not one a different book.
Like snowflakes we fall to grace the earth, individuals in patterns of eternity,
I am only one of blizzard of life, blessed to experience this world of physicality.
Shanti, and many blessings to all creatures,
as you continue the walk through radiance.
Like water we all collaboratively glide
through Motion in Life.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Initiation: Cooperation
4/6/2011 = 5 = Ego = Overtone
kin 103: Blue Crystal Night
I Dedicate in order to Dream
Universalizing Intuition
I seal the Input of Abundance
With the Crystal tone of Cooperation
I am guided by the power of Vision
Universalizing Intuition
I seal the Input of Abundance
With the Crystal tone of Cooperation
I am guided by the power of Vision
— Sri S. Satchidananda
It is a relevant meandering of consciousness that the world is shifting in ways of our reminded days... freedom of mind, the better things we find within the heart of our arts... It's time we refine the virtue of the rhymes, the renaissance of our signs to be blasted into the DIVINE... we shall overcome the suffocation of that which they deem necessarily safe! In the market for another trick of trade, we give into the keys of our inner Sage!
No longer to drown in this system being founded upon dirty deeds and brutal seeds of decay… Death to the Ego! We’ll no longer suffer. We’ll banish the trends of cold-blooded ignorance!
THE TIME HAS COME to start the fires
BANISH the monetary desires
SCREAM together in harmonious calls
Sultry in the making
Brittle fever from my past
Collecting and creating
Finest china, made to last
Burning templates to the glass
If you drag your feet stay in the past.
Syncopate your rhythmic taste
Calculate and partake
Growth will cease if you wait
Resume your life, Just Press Play
Pleasant conversation
Between senses, complementary set-
-My mind, gives into sensation
Crafting gifts never to forget
Constructing progressive fragments of change
Everything's due to be rearranged
Syncopate your rhythmic taste
Calculate and partake
Growth will cease if you wait
Resume your life, Just Press Play
The best movie of your life is the one you create
It's a given, gotta give it to live up to better days
Put desire, nothing higher, at the top of your list
If you dream it you can live it, there's nothing better than this
This is a time of revolution
This is a time of eternity
This is a time of conversation
This is a time of you and me
This is a time of regeneration
This is a time to be reborn
This is a time of transmutation
This is a time for us to hone
Power to the people
Power of Now
Power to the PEACEFUL
Power of Now
Power to the People
Power of Now... NOw… NOW!
Grace of Love be with you,
White Galactic Wizard
Ah Yum, Hunab Ku, Evam Maya E Ma Ho!
"O Hunab Ku, One Giver of Movement and Measure, All hail the harmony of mind and nature!"
This phrase combines Mayan and Tibetan language
"O Hunab Ku, One Giver of Movement and Measure, All hail the harmony of mind and nature!"
This phrase combines Mayan and Tibetan language
© 2011 Kimberly Moon
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Return, Highest Self: Reflecting the Sun
3/10/2011 = 5 = Ego = Release
kin 76: Yellow Spectral Warrior
I Dissolve in order to Question
Releasing Fearlessness
I seal the Output of Intelligence
With the Spectral tone of Liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled
Reflecting the Sun (3.10.11)
I had to let you go
It took all I had, you know
The hardest thing's to let love in, just two bleed it out again
But this time in the end, my accusers are my friends
And when they shot from bullet eyes, you rescued me with your hands
Through my side, through my side, let me from the back
Dropped from sky to pavement's pride, my mercy all I left
Surrounded me, protectors in trust, men in blue, to kneel they rushed,
Embrace the gratitude of mine, solarly stomaching heart design.
They served me with a sentence true; we are one, never two
They, with lighted touch, their life they re-enforced in just
Quick I felt relief from rent- of pain, I'm alive, it's heaven sent
I will not die, I will not die, this time we live as one or dive back to the seas of Lunasea,
We will not die,
We'll heal in Pi.......
Eternity, it seems I've waited, awoken thousands of years later
Cut the chord from my past to be reborn from fire's blast
From Sea to Sky, Pisces to Aries, Alpha-Omega, I live alive
I cry out not for grief this time, for now we harmonize our minds.
The pain I've held to finally mend
I see the Son of God again
Within the likes of every man to remember our adieu
For gratefulness of fellow greetings, worthy of embraceable you
To think the simple be,
You wouldn't predict the gender of me
Though the sun may be dark, it doth not hide, it doth not hide
He reflects the light of human eyes with seconds nigh,
Spreading wings, like angels; fly through your ears and eyes.
The voice, familiar in choices
Hadn't you the latest review of noises skewed?
Far too familiar is the timing, believe in all the rhyming
No bible too far for grinding differences aligned with trinity
For certain, no secret held,
The one who comes knows the glory felt in stories
The pain was mine to bare to free the masses of cardinals within the air
No more the leaders of naught, rather the leaders of love to light
Address yellow-bellied prophecies
Papers of dissolved imagery pearls the wisdom of arrangements
Far beyond wars of our past, no longer we remain in cages
We are the chosen ones, too young for death, we chose to come
We chose here, now, to occupy our written methods
From whence we came, so we must go
For once we die, we rise and return
Filled the paperclips of eras soon to spill, refill the living, the dead
As one, no longer sums of separation.
Pay the toll, drop the turns,
Give to glasses focused, yearning to revoke wrongs,
You’ve settled into holes of doubt
AWAKEN! The time is now or never,
It waits for no one; Spiral to your kin!
We live again
They live within
He lives again
She lives in Him
Grace of Love be with you,
White Galactic Wizard
Ah Yum, Hunab Ku, Evam Maya E Ma Ho!
"O Hunab Ku, One Giver of Movement and Measure, All hail the harmony of mind and nature!"
This phrase combines Mayan and Tibetan language
"O Hunab Ku, One Giver of Movement and Measure, All hail the harmony of mind and nature!"
This phrase combines Mayan and Tibetan language
© 2011 Kimberly Moon
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Resurrection to Heal: Epiphany of Trinity
3/8/2011 = 6 = Service = Equality
kin 74: White Solar Wizard
I Pulse in order to Enchant
Realizing Receptivity
I seal the Output of Timelessness
With the Solar tone of Intention
I am guided by the power of Heart
Realizing Receptivity
I seal the Output of Timelessness
With the Solar tone of Intention
I am guided by the power of Heart
How appreciative I am, how thankful, how much in a state of awe, amazement, bent knee I am to the one I reflect. I am a mere servant for the beauty and blessings of the being, here, now, in love with the breath of my birth that exchanges constantly, still pronouncing my rites of passage, journeying further each tide of my baptism.
I and I with the great mother, truly conceiving, truly knowing, conception of mind immaculately conceiving every second, every day, and every year in all I hear... Infinite wizdom times infinite gratitude... Galactically, I embodying the light... it is a seed that I have chosen to receive. I have no mind of my own. I am a child of my children. I am an open channel for the greatest good. A cosmic master of offering lends its ear to the canal of the wings that will send this time soaring.
Today, I release my breath. That which I have held lifetimes before, alive within the pit of my stomach. I have healed of my masters, my students, my protectors, my accusers. As the bullet of urgency pierced my left side, as I fell to the floor of this creation, as I lay there, in darkness of color, rotating in shapes, they gathered around me, placed their hands upon me, relieved and breathed within me, the light of Christ, the holy message, the spark of release, the reflection of sanctity, the whistle of gold, the chimes of Angels, Arched in the bridge of home. I was healed, I was illuminated to homeostasis of gracious faces. All around, they gathered to my presentation, preparing my body for the art, which would soon balloon within the cocoon of our presence. Practiced, I’ve channeled their light of connection as they channeled mine in resurrection of the Mother. With me, forgiven, un-forsaken, foretold by the writings of olden character, olden molds of the souls I had so long been speaking sorrows to have lost in past… only to regain them in altitudes, triadically eternity.
I rocked into my bed of supplemental stamina, my body, refreshed, as a sleep from a million years yawned from my existence. This was the key to clarity, the blinds of chiming color forming lines to the cosmos. Swirling in tune, in rhythm of the moon, by waves of ways I couldn't define by this rhyme. But carried through tempo, nine, karmically lined paradigm.
Years of karmic bile, unrecognizable by ego or pearls of flight, came pouring from my solar plexus. My conscious mind, too open for tension to unravel the ages of my sage. My debtors, forgiving through the blessings of their health, saved the last key of me.
Reflected to the birth of my celibacy, Blue Lunar Hand; The ABC’s of LunaSea, born to the palms of God. Harmonically, it is he who lives the her of me. Enlivened, I will define the horse, the saddle of colors never wrong, just right. The sides of remorse roam free at night beneath the stars of Orion, the belt of portals open to transform the medicine of our standards. We only own who we become when we allow the one to stand tall within conversational walls that fall pray to the power of our hearts.
No longer to slave, I give into the fate I forgave in dreams of risen snakes.
Epiphany of Trinity (3.1/8.11)
Reflected, you esume, you see
Was it for you or you for me?
The mirror passes years in three
Reveals sudden emergent seas
Attunement forwards, Belief to be
Spiritual Celibacy
All in for you and out for me
Be low of Owl’s Integrity
Three steps, I Initiate Qi
Life-Force, evolved Khundalini
Long streams the path, soul to see
Found in Laughs of Lunacy
To Master, Metatronic sign
I call, “Geometrically Align”
The center, partnered in Divine
Enwrapped alignment of the spine
Breathing Serpent Flames
Spiraling coils tame
Archangel Auriel’s Lioness mane
The light of God seldom refrains
Thumble, thimbles to the heart
Ice to the crystalline re-start
Too Immaculate, a mark of art
The Rainbow’s omnipresent dart
Birth; violet flames to stare
Blend to harmony; the air
Weight of the cross, lay bare
Trinity guided, Rattles flare
The reflection of esume’s a muse
So happens to be the eye to use
3rd ABC of love brings blues
Your heart, the key to your refuse
EXCRETE the medium, sign of two
Green with lifted greetings few
Belly-filled, Buddha renewed
Calm within the silence; you
Blessings, Blessings, Blessings Bee.
Two for you, and one for me.
All is great in eight you see
Reflecting you; reflecting me.
em gnitcelfer
em gnitcelfer
Grace of Love be with you,
White Galactic Wizard
Ah Yum, Hunab Ku, Evam Maya E Ma Ho!
"O Hunab Ku, One Giver of Movement and Measure, All hail the harmony of mind and nature!"
This phrase combines Mayan and Tibetan language
"O Hunab Ku, One Giver of Movement and Measure, All hail the harmony of mind and nature!"
This phrase combines Mayan and Tibetan language
© 2011 Kimberly Moon
Sunday, March 6, 2011
We Will Not Fit A Mold (Aka- Resonant Star)
I've been having March 7th come up A LOT, like, WAYYY much the last few month, and numbers mean so much to me... my higher guides and archangels, especially Gabriel, Metatron, Raziel and Zadkiel have been helping me to uncover many patterns, which I feel I cannot NOT share. I am being called to open to the discoveries of our psychic ability, and therefore made a commitment on March 1st to dedicate towards my spirituality...
So, I am sharing a poem/song I wrote last year that gets stuck in my brain, over and over again simply because I realized the phone I got after I came back from Egypt lit up every "night" at12:06am, then continued only at 12:07am... After a while of this, the words just spouted from me one night, and they've been developing more and more significance, over and over again.
I realized two months ago that 12:06 or 12:07 could very well represent 3:06 or 3:07, as I was driving in Robbie's car and realized the time was 12:07 which happens ALL the time)... it was then that I realized... March! So I looked everywhere to find this poem I had written, as I had forgotten the first verse and I wanted to know more of what streamed through me at that time... That's when I realized I wrote it ON MARCH 6th & 7th... numbers I couldn't ignore...
So, I release it into being. I like it, as it makes me go into "movie magic0" mode and imagine all the ways I could visualize these words... and figured I'd share it for the intent of sharing, so feel free to share it.
I just had to get it out.
He talks about barren lands, as if the darkness overcomes its vices
Seeping further into my palms, grasping category's unseen light
Burning like a torch it comes to cut me
Deep within my iron tongue
Feeding fire with a bite, gently bleeding
Into the sands time is lost
We will not fit a mold
We will create one
Large enough to hold Echelons of a million burning suns-
-Dribbles down your ducts, you melt with tired eyes
I see you
I see you
I see you
From our past disguise
12:06 hits round the clock ticks to echoes of a million jaded lives
12:07 I'm in Heaven, capturing all my world's devices
Unraveling the sting
so painlessly demanding of our deliberation
From the Archipelago I mention in this accapelic ascension,
will rise the highest mountains...
We will not fit a mold
We will create one
Large enough to hold Echelons of a million burning suns-
-Dribbles down your ducts, you melt with tired eyes
I see you
I see you
I see you
From our past disguise
We will devour you
We will devour you
We will devour you as I always view-
-the you of you in me
the you of you in me
the you of you is me
My view of you is me
© Kimberly Moon
March 6th/7th, 2010
So, I am sharing a poem/song I wrote last year that gets stuck in my brain, over and over again simply because I realized the phone I got after I came back from Egypt lit up every "night" at12:06am, then continued only at 12:07am... After a while of this, the words just spouted from me one night, and they've been developing more and more significance, over and over again.
I realized two months ago that 12:06 or 12:07 could very well represent 3:06 or 3:07, as I was driving in Robbie's car and realized the time was 12:07 which happens ALL the time)... it was then that I realized... March! So I looked everywhere to find this poem I had written, as I had forgotten the first verse and I wanted to know more of what streamed through me at that time... That's when I realized I wrote it ON MARCH 6th & 7th... numbers I couldn't ignore...
So, I release it into being. I like it, as it makes me go into "movie magic0" mode and imagine all the ways I could visualize these words... and figured I'd share it for the intent of sharing, so feel free to share it.
I just had to get it out.
He talks about barren lands, as if the darkness overcomes its vices
Seeping further into my palms, grasping category's unseen light
Burning like a torch it comes to cut me
Deep within my iron tongue
Feeding fire with a bite, gently bleeding
Into the sands time is lost
We will not fit a mold
We will create one
Large enough to hold Echelons of a million burning suns-
-Dribbles down your ducts, you melt with tired eyes
I see you
I see you
I see you
From our past disguise
12:06 hits round the clock ticks to echoes of a million jaded lives
12:07 I'm in Heaven, capturing all my world's devices
Unraveling the sting
so painlessly demanding of our deliberation
From the Archipelago I mention in this accapelic ascension,
will rise the highest mountains...
We will not fit a mold
We will create one
Large enough to hold Echelons of a million burning suns-
-Dribbles down your ducts, you melt with tired eyes
I see you
I see you
I see you
From our past disguise
We will devour you
We will devour you
We will devour you as I always view-
-the you of you in me
the you of you in me
the you of you is me
My view of you is me
© Kimberly Moon
March 6th/7th, 2010
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