Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Initiation: Cooperation

4/6/2011 = 5 = Ego = Overtone
kin 103: Blue Crystal Night
I Dedicate in order to Dream
Universalizing Intuition
I seal the Input of Abundance
With the Crystal tone of Cooperation
I am guided by the power of Vision

“If a handful of people come forward with strong wills, nothing is impossible. One Buddha changed half the globe; one Jesus, three quarters of the world. We all have that capacity.”
— Sri S. Satchidananda

It is a relevant meandering of consciousness that the world is shifting in ways of our reminded days... freedom of mind, the better things we find within the heart of our arts... It's time we refine the virtue of the rhymes, the renaissance of our signs to be blasted into the DIVINE... we shall overcome the suffocation of that which they deem necessarily safe!  In the market for another trick of trade, we give into the keys of our inner Sage!
No longer to drown in this system being founded upon dirty deeds and brutal seeds of decay… Death to the Ego! We’ll no longer suffer.  We’ll banish the trends of cold-blooded ignorance! 

THE TIME HAS COME to start the fires
BANISH the monetary desires
SCREAM together in harmonious calls

For jagged edges too long have cut us.  Withered away; the dust has rusted our minds into sands that blow through the blinds of windows we’ve closed for so long.  Too short is the earth mother’s song.  We’ve come again to elongate the bountiful ways we express and appreciate the love we patiently await no more, no more; it’s been knocking upon our door fore score and 7 churches ago, we shop above and beyond the chakras- unblocked now to our 5th dimensions; Stand tall!   Open the fundamentals, accentuate your overtones, alleviate precious metals, shred through the comfort of fabric sewn… ONE AND ALL we go back home!!

Sultry in the making
Brittle fever from my past
Collecting and creating
Finest china, made to last 
Burning templates to the glass
If you drag your feet stay in the past.

Syncopate your rhythmic taste
Calculate and partake
Growth will cease if you wait
Resume your life, Just Press Play

Pleasant conversation
Between senses, complementary set-
-My mind, gives into sensation
Crafting gifts never to forget
Constructing progressive fragments of change
Everything's due to be rearranged

Syncopate your rhythmic taste
Calculate and partake
Growth will cease if you wait
Resume your life, Just Press Play

The best movie of your life is the one you create
It's a given, gotta give it to live up to better days
Put desire, nothing higher, at the top of your list
If you dream it you can live it, there's nothing better than this

This is a time of revolution
This is a time of eternity
This is a time of conversation
This is a time of you and me

This is a time of regeneration
This is a time to be reborn
This is a time of transmutation
This is a time for us to hone

Power to the people
Power of Now
Power to the PEACEFUL
Power of Now
Power to the People
Power of Now... NOw… NOW!

Grace of Love be with you,
White Galactic Wizard
Ah Yum, Hunab Ku, Evam Maya E Ma Ho!
"O Hunab Ku, One Giver of Movement and Measure, All hail the harmony of mind and nature!"
This phrase combines Mayan and Tibetan language

© 2011 Kimberly Moon

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