Monday, August 6, 2012

Tides of Change


I can feel the tides are changin', waters flowin', no lookin' back. 
Ready for rearrangin', no holdin' on, wind's got my back.

Lion's den is growlin', through the eighth day of the week
Cloudy confirmations, and these waves are deepening

Swim after hours
Guard's got the test
Fits the mighty powers
Growin' for the rest


AND... Akira Dawn's "Energy o' the Week"

Things will begin to pick up now as Mercury goes direct on the seventh and we pass through the Lion's Gate on the eighth. This is a time of swift and decisive change. All that's been cloudy and unsure will suddenly become unstuck and obvious as we move deeper into the month. This is the kind of big movement that sets the scene for months (years?) to come. Things will be moving quick, so keep your eyes open and notice the details! Remember whats most important."

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